Saturday, December 24, 2016

How often have you had a client 'discover' one of your offerings that you have presented to them several times? I thought of that today in Boston's North Station when someone commented on the large number of ads that were all from the same company. Banners for Forevermark diamonds hung everywhere!

People are busy and are filtering out messages that they believe they don't need. Our job is to find a way to break through so they can see what we have to offer.

Here are a few approaches that work:

1. Remind them often and in different ways.

2. Tie the offering to their current needs as they arise.

3. Combine multiple media, including email, txt and handouts.

4. Invite them to a special event focused on that offering.

5. Find someone else in the company who has an urgent need.

6. Include all relevant offerings in every proposal and renewal.

Be persistent, relevant and valuable and eventually they will hear your message.

Steve Waterhouse is a sales expert and coach.

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